An On-orbit Correction Method for High Dynamic APS Star Tracker Based on Adaptive Filtering

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An On-orbit Correction Method for High Dynamic APS Star Tracker Based on Adaptive Filtering

An On-orbit Correction Method for High Dynamic APS Star Tracker Based on Adaptive Filtering

In order to improve the accuracy of star centroid extraction of high dynamic star tracker,an onorbit correction method based on adaptive filtering was proposed, which can adaptively adjust the correction matrix at different angular velocities. Correction matrix is updated in real time by the noise estimation filter which is proposed based on temporal-spatial correlation. And the star point can be corrected in real time. Compared with the traditional method which correct on the ground,it not only reduces the cost,but also updates the correction matrix in real time,so the correction is more reliable.Experimental results show that the proposed method is effective in correcting star sensor under high dynamic conditions. Compared with the existing on orbit correction methods which can only appicable to low-speed star tracker(≤0.1°/s),the proposed method can adapt to the angular velocity of 0~3°/s,accurately correct the high dynamic star sensor,and successfully improve the accuracy of star centroid,which is of great significance to improve the dynamic performance of star sensor.


To address the impact of background noise on the accuracy of APS star sensors, an in orbit correction method based on adaptive filtering is proposed, which can adapt to different angular velocities of star sensors and adjust the correction matrix. A noise estimation filter based on spatiotemporal correlation can update the correction matrix in real-time following the star point window, achieving the goal of real-time correction of star points in orbit. Compared with existing in orbit calibration methods, the calibration results are not only more accurate at low speeds (≤ 0.1 °/s), but also the proposed method can adapt to angular velocities of 0-3 °/s, has strong robustness to noise, and can reliably and accurately calibrate high dynamic star sensors.

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